Teaching Experience
Research Interests
Additional Responsibilities
- Taylor, S. & Stone, A. (2019). Smartphone Augmented Reality for EFL learners. 2018 PanSIG Journal [in press].
- Stone, A. & Taylor, S. (2018). Guidelines for the application of educational smartphone technology in the classroom. Common (Kyushu Sangyo University Computing and Networking Center Journal), 38, 90-96.
- Stone, A. (2017). Emerging Perceptions of Interactive Whiteboards in EFL Classrooms. Common (Kyushu Sangyo University Computing and Networking Center Journal), 37, 56-77.
- Smartphone Augmented Reality for Listening and Speaking. MAVR SIG Forum. The 44th Annual JALT International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning, Nov. 23-26, 2018. Shizuoka, Japan.
- EFL learning in Japan with Augmented Reality. EuroCALL Conference, Aug. 22-25, 2018. Jyväskylä, Finland.
- Smartphone Augmented Reality for EFL learners. JALT PanSIG Conference, May 19-20, 2018. Tokyo, Japan.
- 2015. Vocabulary Game & Computer Program for Producing it. JALT 60 Minute Presentation.
- 2015. Student Personal Academic Progress Card Design. JALT 20 Minute Presentation.
- Taylor, S. & Stone, A. (2018). バーチャルガイドツアーのための拡張現実アプリケーション. 九州産業大学基礎研究部研究プロジェクト補助金. (KSU internal grant)
Professional Affiliations
- JALT (Japanese Association for Language Teachers)