To students
Due to a technical issue, the gradebook (the page on which you check your homework scores), is currently unavailable. Although it should be available by mid-May, you will until then be able to click the homework submission forum links posted your teacher in Assignments to check your scores.
To students
Due to a technical issue, the gradebook (the page on which you check your homework scores), is currently unavailable. Although it should be available by mid-May, you will until then be able to click the homework submission forum links posted your teacher in Assignments to check your scores.
技術的な問題のため、このコースの評価システムは現在見ることができません。しかし、教員は各学生の提出(投稿)の下のドロップダウンメニューから評価(0%、50%、100%) を選択して評価をしてください。評価は問題が解決されればすぐに見ることができるようになります(5月中旬頃の予定)。
To teachers
Due to technical issues, the gradebook for this course is currently unavailable. However, teachers should go ahead and grade homework assignments normally (0%, 50%, 100%) using the drop-down menus under each student submission. The grades will become visible in the gradebook once the issues have been resolved (hopefully by mid-May).
Until the gradebook is available, please use the Participants link to check your list of enrolled students.
技術的な問題のため、このコースの評価システムは現在見ることができません。しかし、教員は各学生の提出(投稿)の下のドロップダウンメニューから評価(0%、50%、100%) を選択して評価をしてください。評価は問題が解決されればすぐに見ることができるようになります(5月中旬頃の予定)。
To teachers
Due to technical issues, the gradebook for this course is currently unavailable. However, teachers should go ahead and grade homework assignments normally (0%, 50%, 100%) using the drop-down menus under each student submission. The grades will become visible in the gradebook once the issues have been resolved (hopefully by mid-May).
Until the gradebook is available, please use the Participants link to check your list of enrolled students.